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2024-2025 EPA SBIR

Award Amount
Due Date
August 21, 2024
Rolling Submission
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, is seeking proposals from the small businesses to develop novel environmental technologies in the following topics areas. CLEAN AND SAFE WATER Nature-based Solutions for Water Reuse Technologies for the Treatment of PFAS in Wastewater Sewage Sludge and Biosolids Treatment for Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water at the Household Scale AIR QUALITY & CLIMATE Technologies and Tools to Monitor and Reduce Air Toxics Exposures Air Pollution Control Technologies for Small Sources HOMELAND SECURITY Scenario-Based Training for Disaster Response CIRCULAR ECONOMY/SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS Preventing and Recycling Food Waste Source Reduction and Reuse Lowering Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment

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Additive Manufacturing for High-Density Materials

Award Amount
Additive Manufacturing
Due Date
September 4, 2024
Rolling Submission
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Develop a technique and/or technology through material properties and internal geometry, that replicates the shear properties of Depleted Uranium (DU).

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Artificial Intelligence Quantified (AIQ)

Award Amount
Due Date
August 13, 2024
Rolling Submission
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The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative proposals in the technical areas of assessing and understanding the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) to enable mathematical guarantees on performance of generative AI.

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Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) Focused Open Topic

Award Amount
Due Date
September 17, 2024
Rolling Submission
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The purpose of the AI/ML Focused Open Topic is to bring potentially valuable small business innovations to the Army and create an opportunity to expand the relevance of the Army Small Business Innovation Research program to firms who do not normally compete for SBIR awards.

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Autonomy Proving Ground Fly-Off

Air Force
Award Amount
Due Date
August 1, 2024
Rolling Submission
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This Autonomy Proving Ground Fly-Off will focus on alternate navigation solutions designed for small unmanned aircraft.

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Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory CSO

Award Amount
Due Date
January 31, 2025
Rolling Submission
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The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory is looking to obtain innovative solutions or potential new capabilities in the following categories: Building Cold Region Domain Awareness, Enhancing Mobility and Maneuver in Cold Region Environments, Integrated Ice Operations, Advanced Materials Development and Applications in Extreme Cold Environments, and Resilient Cold Region Energy Systems.

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Construction Engineering Research Laboratory CSO

Award Amount
Additive Manufacturing
Due Date
October 31, 2024
Rolling Submission
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The Army Engineering and Research Development Center's Construction Engineering Research Laboratory wants to obtain innovative solutions in support of Infrastructure Science and Engineering and Operational Science and Engineering. They are seeking solutions in the following areas: Materials and Structures, Installation Energy, Warfighter Engineering, Operational Energy, Training Lands and Heritage Branch, and Sustainment Management Systems.

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Naval Special Warfare Command CSO

Award Amount
Due Date
January 1, 2025
Rolling Submission
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Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) seeks to accelerate the development, procurement and integration of unique capabilities into deployable warfighting capabilities in support of the Joint Force and our allied Special Operations Forces (SOF).

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Navy 24.4 SBIR Open Topics

Award Amount
Due Date
September 4, 2024
Rolling Submission
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Open Topic for Advanced Robotic Automation for Fleet Readiness Center Industrial Processes; Open Topic for Sustainment and Obsolescence; Open Topic for Advanced Data Integrity and Control Methods

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Opportunistic, Resilient & Innovative Expeditionary Network Topology

Award Amount
Due Date
July 19, 2025
Rolling Submission
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The DoD needs to ensure that connectivity across a heterogeneous swarm of attritable multi-domain autonomous platforms remains intact. Communications equipment shall be capable of reliable operations in a contested spectrum along with ability to operate at lower classification levels in conjunction with attrition resilience concurrent with the vehicles that they are on. Anti-jam (AJ) and Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Line of site (LOS) and Beyond Line of Site (BLOS) resilient connectivity, including automated and seamless join and exit to the network, are preferred. Networking solutions shall maintain network awareness and routing across multiple radio frequency communications paths. DoD needs the ability to push one-way updated commands via a broadcast through the LOS and BLOS radio frequency and data networks. Communications across the network must be secure, applying best industry practices of commercial grade transmission and communications security. DoD requires a network control channel and management tool to direct and/or redirect the UxV team in both real-time and non-real-time disconnected operations.

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Request for Information (RFI) - Strategic Technology Office (STO)

Award Amount
RFI Only
Due Date
January 31, 2025
Rolling Submission
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This RFI is to provide a mechanism to inform the office of new capabilities and concepts and the potential performers who will provide them. DARPA will use this information to determine the companies and individuals that STO would invite to have further substantive discussions to inform future projects and programs in appropriately classified settings when necessary.

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Science Synthesis Prize

Award Amount
$125k total
Due Date
August 30, 2024
Rolling Submission
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Generate comprehensive knowledge on the current state of science in renewable integration

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Award Amount
up to $181,000
Environmental Services
Due Date
September 17, 2024
Rolling Submission
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NIFA is soliciting applications under the following ten SBIR/STTR topics / program areas: 8.1 Forests and Related Resources 8.2 Plant Production and Protection (Biology) 8.3 Animal Production and Protection 8.4 Conservation of Natural Resources 8.5 Food Science and Nutrition 8.6 Rural and Community Development 8.7 Aquaculture 8.8 Biofuels and Biobased Products 8.12 Small and Mid-size Farms 8.13 Plant Production and Protection (Engineering)

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Universal PatchinG and Remediation for Autonomous DEfense (UPGRADE)

Award Amount
Due Date
September 18, 2024
Rolling Submission
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ARPA-H seeks proposals to develop a revolutionary new cybersecurity platform to enable hospitals and health systems to protect themselves from cyberattacks. The Universal PatchinG and Remediation for Autonomous DEfense (UPGRADE) program will empower hospital information Technology (IT) teams to protect health systems from cyberattacks and ensure continuity of patient care without requiring additional personnel or manual effort. UPGRADE aims to fund the creation of vulnerability mitigation tools that act as a force multiplier for hospital IT/cybersecurity teams, dramatically advancing hospitals’ capacities to understand, source, plan, and deploy security upgrades for connected hospital equipment (e.g., equipment germane to hospital environments including but not limited to infusion pumps, patient monitoring equipment, and imaging equipment). See the attached draft Module Announcement, ARPA-H-MAI-24-01-05 for details on the UPGRADE program.

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